October 26, 2007

tHe hAndwRitTen pOst

my right hand ached from writting this hand written post that parisukat's been asking me to do... I was tagged. pasensya sa akong gisuwat... y sense ang uban... but these really are the top 3 things that I'm addicted to. ;)

so now I'm tagging auggie- the effortless, pamcong, van-the lonely princess and the corteses to do this post. sweet!

and at the end of this journey, my wonderful story begins...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Penile Cancer - a growth, legion or sore that would be malignant and is often found at the surface or in the tissue of one's penis;Penile Implants and Surgery - an implant for the penis or a surgical procedure that has been recently performed may well be irritating the penis or it would have become infected;Penis Fracture - a rupture of one or both of these cambers within your penis that enable it to turn into erect;Peyronies Disease - scar tissue within the penis that results on the penis developing a curve or abnormal bend;Pimples - an infection of sizegenetics pores or hair follicles and that is the result of bacterial build-up;